Wide Sky – the free application of the week offered by Apple

  It's Friday again, the weekend begins, and Apple offers us free app of the week, the name or being wide sky. The application has gameplay centered around hedgehogs, our role being to raise and train a hedgehog to develop the "special powers" that the developers thought of. In order to develop these "powers", we have to complete with our hedgehog more than 40 challenges available in the game, each of them being developed based on the things that a hedgehog normally does, but among them there are also some challenges special ones.

For a marine mammal, the hedgehog spends a disconcerting amount of time on land. What do they want, what are they up to? Hedgehogs have troubled spirits, and yet, they never fail to entertain the masses with their acrobatic feats. Many people don't know, however, that hedgehogs aren't born this way. Hedgehogs need to be trained and molded into the tiny, fiscally responsible acrobats we know and love. That's where you come in.

Train your hedgehog in more than 40 challenges and keep his cunning mind from veering. We will give you a sensible amount of ropes (11) and 6 special powers, like the ability to deploy a parachute, control the wind or summon a vortex. Your challenges will change with the nature of those powers.

  wide sky is available free of charge in universal format in App Store until next week.

Initial price:
wide sky



Developer: Marcus Eckert
Category: Games

Description: For a marine mammal, the hedgehog spends a disconcerting amount of time on land. What do they want, what are they up to

Hedgehogs have troubled spirits, and yet, they never fail to entertain the masses with their acrobatic feats. Many people don't know, h…

The size of the application is: 43.6 Mb