Apple, I'm still waiting for a Personal HotSpot worthy of an iDevice

  Almost a year now I was writing this article in which I asked those from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), to improve its Personal HotSpot system to offer more functionality to users. A year later I come back with the same request, but separate from new options, I would like to Personal HotSpot- to function properly when it is used. To be honest, I tried to use it Personal HotSpotto turn the iPhone into a Wi-Fi HotSpot, but unfortunately I quickly realized that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), he did not think this function exactly as it should, it has big, big problems of functioning.

  Unfortunately, connecting to the HotSpot is quite difficult, and after a few minutes of use, an iPhone refuses to connect by itself, in most cases, the procedure for generating a HotSpot has to be restarted from the beginning. I had exactly the same problems iOS 6 si iOS 7Sign that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), ported all the crap when it spawned the new version of the OS and unfortunately none of it has been and probably won't be fixed anytime soon, and that's disappointing for me and probably a lot of other people.

  What experience do you have with Personal HotSpot?