Transport Tycoon for iOS will not be available for free (Video)


  Transportation Tycoon is one of the games that I look forward to App Store, I know that many of you are waiting for him just as long, so I give you some not very good news now, because he i shall purchased. The game has been completely rewritten because its porting is impossible, the graphics have been updated, the menu has been redone to be compatible with mobile terminals, but the game experience will be the same as we all knew. Basically, the version for mobile terminals a Transportation Tycoon it will be one updated to today's standards, but with an old, but extremely attractive gameplay.

The game is completely re-written (a consequence of the original games being written in 8086 Assembler, which can't be recompiled for other platforms), but the game design is very much based on my older games with updated interface and controls to suit mobile platforms. The graphical style of the game (fixed viewpoint isometric) I think really works well on devices like the iPad and iPhone – It shows a lot of rich detail in a small screen area, and together with the touchscreen interface makes the game feel very tactile. It's a paid title. The game doesn't follow the free-to-play revenue model, and I'm also not a great fan of the way free-to-play titles try to make money through in-game purchases or advertising.

  The version that will appear in App Store it will have to be purchased by those interested, the developer not being a fan of the freemium model, which is so successful in the App Store. Considering the popularity of the game, it is hard to believe that there will be people who will refuse to buy it, even if the selling price could be between 5-10€, because we are still talking about a very complex game. Transport Tycoon for iOS will arrive in the App Store sometime towards the end of this year.