Top 10: The most important news of the week on - 15.07.2013 - 21.07.2013 week in review

  Today ends a week in which I saw all kinds of images with alleged components of iPhone 5S and iPhone Lite, both devices entering the manufacturing process at the partners Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, to be launched in the fall. I also found out that iPad Mini 2 would be launched this year together with a Retina Display, but also that Apple hired experts in biometric sensors to develop iWatch, but we must not forget the two companies that Apple acquired in order to improve Apple Maps.

  The application it has been updated and will correctly send notifications on terminals, and if you have a blog, I recommend it to register for the Orange contest to win an interesting smartphone!

Register your UDID to install iOS 7!

  1. iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4 – iOS 7 beta 3 – detailed comparative test (Video)
  2. 1.2.4 update is available in the App Store
  3. iPhone Lite would be available in two versions with different processors
  4. iPad Mini 2 with Retina Display could hit the market this year thanks to LG
  5. Apple hires experts in fitness and medical products to produce the iWatch
  6. iPhone 5S - when can you expect the release?
  7. Orange Go Europe - win a smartphone and free internet traffic from Orange!
  8. iOS 7 beta 4 - when can you expect it?
  9. iPhone 5S went into production at Apple's partners
  10. iPhone 5S would contain 2 GB of RAM, quad core graphics processor, NFC chip and fingerprint reader