Ashton Kutcher compares Steve Jobs to an American football coach (Video)

  Being present in The Colbert Report to promote movie JOBS, Ashton Kutcher he spoke, of course, about the man he played in the movie that is about to be released in cinemas. The actor compares Jobs to an American football coach who constantly seeks to motivate his team. HE says that the aggressive attitude of Steve Jobs was based on his desire to make products as good as possible and although sometimes he behaved extremely badly with employees, he only did it with the idea of ​​motivating them to be better, exactly like that as a coach does.

  Kutcher says that Jobs was obsessed with developing perfect products for consumers and expected their love and respect in return, but the way he tried to achieve his goal was not always the most correct, although it was just a search for this kind of feelings. You can see more in the video clip above.