Here's a version of Cydia running on a jailbroken iPhone 4S on iOS 6.1.3 (Video)


  I told you over the weekend as a solution untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 could eventually end up in our hands, and in the video clip above you have proof that it works with iPhone 4S. The current version of Cydia was installed on this terminal after performing a untethered jailbreak, it works, but unfortunately not the applications installed from App Store. Despite this issue, and many others, the developer who discovered this exploit will continue to deploy it to all iDevices running iOS 6.1.3.

  It is not known how long it will take until he releases this jailbreak solution, or if he will ever manage to release it, but he is interested in bringing it to us and as new information about it appears, I will let you know.