93% of iPhone owners in the US are running iOS 6 or iOS 7

  In a study published today, those from Chitika presents us some extremely interesting statistics regarding the versions of iOS installed on the terminals of Americans. According to data collected in September by Chitika, 93% of iPhone owners living in the US have installed iOS 6 or iOS 7, the first version representing 92% of the user base. The rest of 7% is divided between iOS 5 and old versions of the operating system, only 2% of users running iOS 1/2/3/4 at the moment.

  If we move to iPad tablets, we notice that things are different, here 82% of users are running iOS 6, 13% running iOS 5, 5% running older versions, and 0% running iOS 7. Even if a percentage of 7% appears under iOS 0, there are enough Americans who have installed iOS 7 on their own tablets, but they don't seem to have been included in Chitika's calculations. Important to remember is that an overwhelming majority of iDevice owners are running the latest version of the operating system for their terminals, and this says a lot about the Apple ecosystem.


  1. naturally, everyone is on iOS 6, considering that you have to have an iPhone or iPhone 3G in order not to run iOS 6, which is more difficult nowadays - to see the world in the US with these 2 phones, plus you still have that notification in the settings to update the OS, which is psychological - yes update, yes update, and let's be serious - 3GS and iPhone 4 don't even run iOS6 - if you understand what I mean