Extreme Reality SDK brings us the possibility to control games for iPad tablets with gestures (Video)


  Extreme Reality SDK is a software produced by the company Extreme Reality, it allows application developers to implement in their own titles software that recognizes the movements of users and controls the titles using gestures. The software has been implemented in many PC/console titles, and starting today it is openly available to any developers interested in using it, SEGA being the first of them, the GO Dance game allowing iDevice owners to dance in face of the tablet to control the characters in the game.

Offered as an SDK, Extreme Reality's Extreme Motion is the only technology to provide full-body, software-based, motion analysis and control to any computing device or operating system via a standard camera. It enables developers to easily add motion experiences to existing games or applications, and to create a wide range of new experiences (applications, games, security solutions and more) that pioneer Natural User Interfaces (NUI) while breaking the physical barriers of current hardware- based technologies. The SDK supports Unity, C++ and C# programming languages ​​for multiple operating systems, including iOS, Windows7 and WinRT.

  The software from Extreme Reality allows the use of any 2D camera available in the mobile terminals sold on the market, so its implementation in games will be extremely easy and many will choose to do so. Finally, it should be mentioned that although the software can be used for free by any developers, the company Extreme Reality will ask them to share between 10% and 20% of the proceeds, after paying taxes, but this small obstacle will not prevent in any way way its implementation on a large scale.