Apple owns 10% of the total funds available to US corporations

  Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), it has an extremely large monetary reserve, over 147 billion dollars being available in the form of cash and long-term investments in various countries around the globe. On June 30 of the current year, American non-financial companies they owned together no less than 1480 billion dollars in the form of liquidity and investments, the monetary reserve of those from Apple representing approximately 10% of the total. A little over 1000 companies own this enormous amount and only 50 of them own 62% of the total, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Pfizer and several other important companies having the largest monetary reserves.

  If we think that only Apple owns 10% of all this money, we can imagine that the remaining 770 billion dollars is divided between the other 49 companies, the final result being an average of 15 billion dollars for each company. Of course, there are companies that have more or less than 15 billion dollars in their own accounts or in investments and it is not known if Apple is the richest among them, but it is clear that at the moment the company from Cupertino is, without question , one of the richest companies on the globe, having more money than the gross domestic product of many countries on the globe.