Orange Cosmote and Vodafone will not have stores open this night for the launch of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C

  Just a few minutes ago Orange Romania announced the official launch of iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C in its own distribution network, listing the official prices for the subscriptions recommended for the purchase of these terminals. Orange is the first operator to launch this offer, Cosmote si Vodafone going to do exactly the same thing in the following hours. Although it has not officially announced, Orange Romania will start marketing iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C in its online store starting at 0:00, Vodafone probably doing the same thing, Cosmote not having an online store.

  Even if you will be able to purchase the terminals online this evening, unfortunately no operator will have a store open at 0:00 to sell the devices. We found out that neither Cosmote nor Orange will have open stores, and in the case of Vodafone the strategy is most likely the same, the extremely small number of units forcing the operators to launch the terminals only online. The worst part is that many stores received 1/2/3 units of each iPhone 5S for sale and if it happens that they are not reserved by someone, you might find something to buy tomorrow.

  Otherwise, you will have to wait for online deliveries, both Vodafone and Orange concentrating the vast majority of their stocks to their stores.