A new study tries to prove that Apple has greatly influenced the adoption of "smart" mobile terminals

Apple Think Different

  In 2007 the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), launch first iPhone, forever changing consumers' perception of smartphones and challenging their competitors to produce competing devices to match their terminal. According to a recently published study by those from iHS, the launch of the first model of the iPhone greatly influenced the widespread adoption of smartphones, the year 2007 having the first significant increase in the sales of this type of mobile terminals.

According to IHS, the surge began in 2007, the year that smartphone shipments rose dramatically due to Apple Inc.'s introduction of the first iPhone. The figure also presents the boom in revenue during 2010, the year that Apple kicked off the media tablet market with the introduction of the initial model of the iPad.

  However, not only the iPhone was the basis of this influence, the year 2010 and the launch of the first version of the iPad representing a second turning point for mobile terminals. In 2010, there was a second significant increase in the revenues generated by the sale of this type of terminals, Apple launching on the market the second revolutionary product of recent years. Practically through 2 extremely good products, the Apple company changed the perception of consumers in relation to mobile terminals, but also the mentality of its competitors who were forced to improve their products to keep up with Apple.

  Regardless of how Apple is viewed by some at the moment, the launch of the iPhone and the iPad tablet must be attributed as moments in which the company completely changed the perspective of the whole world in relation to smartphones and tablets.


  1. Ca a influentat este perfect adevarat , dar de acolo pana la tot felul de revolutii, este cale lunga . Trebuie mentionat ca toate tehnologiile implementate in iPhone , iPad existau deja. Ce a adus Apple a fost un system de operare conceput special pt touch- bine relizat dealtfel .
    Si fara hardware-ul Samsung producerea acestor terminale ar fi fost aproape imposibila la inceput.
    Deci Samsung are meritul conceperii si producerii componentelor.