Phablets represented 22% of total smartphone sales

  Phablets, or smartphones with screens larger than 5 inches, proved to be quite popular in Q3 2013, they represent 22% of all sales are smartphones globally. Approximately 250 million smartphones were sold globally and according to the percentage above, 56 million of them had screens larger than 5 inches. Of these, terminals with 5-inch screens represented 66% of sales, those with screens that have a diagonal between 5-6 inches represented 31% of sales, and smartphones with screens larger than 6 inches represented 3% from sales.

Shipments of large-screen smart phones, 5″ and above, reached their highest ever level, accounting for 22% of shipments or 56 million units. This trend continues to be driven mainly by Samsung, which dominates the large-screen segment. Breaking this down further, 66% of the 56 million smart phones had a 5″ display, 31% had screens between 5″ and 6″, while just 3% had 6″ or larger screens.

  It is very easy to see that there is a market for terminals with large screens, but everything over 6 inches enters a black area where there are not many buyers, but this was to be expected. Although phablets represent only a fifth of total smartphone sales and terminals with 4-5 inch screens are still the most popular, there is room for growth in this segment as humanity evolves, the structure of human DNA changing to allow us to grasp these devices with one hand.

  Leaving the joke aside, 56 million is a good figure for this segment, but if we divide it among the multitude of producers that exist on the market, we might see that none of them earns much.