Cut the Rope 2: Om Nom's Unexpected Adventure is presented in a new trailer (Video)


  Cut the Rope 2: Om Nom's Unexpected Adventure is the continuation of the hit game Cut The Rope, those from ZeptoLab published a new trailer for their upcoming title yesterday, and you can see it above. Unfortunately, the trailer above does not reveal too many details about what we will find in the upcoming title of the Russian developer. The game Cut The Rope has attracted the attention of millions of users worldwide and has been positioned several times on the top positions in the top of the most used applications in App Storethe company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, and from this title exactly the same thing is expected after the release.

Oh my candy! Om Nom is missing! Om Nom, everyone's favorite candy-eating monster and hero of the Cut the Rope series of mobile games, has disappeared. Based on this footage, detectives say that it appears that Om Nom was swept away by either a very large bird, or, more likely, a hot air balloon. Can you help us bring him home? We need to find Om Nom in time for the launch of Cut the Rope 2. Please let us know if you see him! #omnomymissing

  Cut the Rope 2: Om Nom's Unexpected Adventure is to be launched in the next period in App Store, and when an official release date will be published, I will let you know. Until then, however, you can try one of the Cut The Rope games available now in the App Store, and by selecting the button Download from the App Store, present below, you can install any of the game versions.