The Twitter app update is available in the App Store

  During this night the application Twitter for iOS was updated by the company with the same name, bringing some interesting news for users. We start with a new system that displays filtered results for the types of emotions we are looking for, we continue with the display in the Discovery menu of some information about the TV shows that are trending in our area, and at the end there remains an improvement of the system that gives us allows us to log into the application.

Find exactly what you're looking for.
• Search results now show content that is filtered to the type of moments you want.

•See what's trending on TV and close by to you. 
After you've browsed through all trends in Discover, you'll see additional trends about both TV and local content.

Better login verification.
Take a screenshot of your verification backup code when you enroll or generate a new one.

  application Twitter for iOS is available for free in App Store.

Initial price:



Developer: Twitter, Inc.
Category: Social Networking

Description: With Twitter, you can watch the world unfold like never before.

Get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline.

Follow people and your interests t…

The size of the application is: 17.4 Mb