p0sixspwn jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3, iOS 6.1.4 and iOS 6.1.5 has been released in Cydia

  Just one day after the launch evasi0n7 jailbreak for iOS 7, today it makes its appearance in Cydia si p0sixspwn, a package that makes untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3, iOS 6.1.4 si iOS 6.1.5, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 si iPod Touch 4G benefiting from it. This package is dedicated only to these three terminals that run one of the 3 versions of iOS 6 and already have tethered jailbreak made using redsn0w, so the rest of the iDevices that remained at iOS 6.x will not benefit from it.

With the unexpected release of the evasi0n7 jailbreak, we are finally able to release the 3GS/A4 6.1.3 + 6.1.5 untethered Cydia package. As I stated on Twitter, we expect it should be out by Christmas day. So if you don't feel like upgrading to iOS 7 and prefer 6.1.3/6.1.4, sit tight for a bit. 🙂

  Practically p0sixspwn jailbreak it is dedicated only to iDevices with A4 chip, and a version for newer terminals will be released by Christmas day, so you will have to wait a little longer to have it. p0sixspwn it is available in Cydia in the repo BigBoss and can be installed immediately.

UPDATED: It seems that p0sixspwn's initial build has problems and puts iPhone 4 terminals into a boot loop, and iH8sn0w explains below how you can quickly solve the problem. My advice is to wait a few hours until Saurik introduces an updated build in Cydia that does not have such problems.

UPDATE 2: You can install the new version of p0sixspwn from the repo :


1) Download this Java runtime binary of msftguy's SSH RD Creator.
2) Put your iPhone 4 into DFU and wait for it to tell you to connect to localhost:2022
3) If you're on a Mac, use terminal and type "ssh root@localhost -p 2022".
If you're on a PC, hurry PuTTY and type localhost in Hostname, and 2022 under Port.
4) Enter "root" for the User Name.
5) Enter "alpine" for the Password.
6) Copy & Paste this one line bash command:

while [ ! -d /mnt2/mobile ]; do mount.sh; done; printf '\xD3\x8E\x95\xD4\x44\x47\x32\x2E\xA1\x5F\x9F\x9B\xE7\xE8\x8F\xDC' | dd of=/mnt2/untether/untether bs=1 seek=1120 conv=notrunc; printf '\x00' | dd of=/mnt2/untether/untether bs=1 seek=27099 conv=nottrunc; nvram auto-boot=true; sync; reboot;

7) Press ENTER.
8) That's it.


1) Download this custom tar bundle
2) Open redsn0w
3) Select the 6.0 IPSW for the iPhone 4.
4) Click the back button and click Jailbreak.
5) Follow on screen prompts until you get to the series of checkboxes.
6) Checkmark Install Custom bundle
7) Browse to where you downloaded the custom tar bundle in step 1.
8) Click next.
9) After reboot, everything should be fine.