SBPowerAlert – a useful action menu for iOS 7

  SBPowerAlert is a tweak released during this night in Cydia, and with its help access a menu that displays the amount of RAM memory available for use with our terminals, but not only that. The tweak also implements a Power in menu iOS 7, offering us various options for closing/restarting/blocking the terminals, or putting them in Safe Mode and performing a respring. The tweak works with help Activator, so you can access the menu using any gesture.

SBPowerAlert is a simple Popup with several Options. It allows you to Reboot your Device, Power it down, respring it, put it into safe mode and lock it. Moreover, it displays the available RAM as the title of the Alert. It is a small replacement for SBSetting's Power Alert, since SBSettings is not compatible with iOS 7. After the Installation a respring is required. Then you can open Activator to assign an Event to SBPowerAlert. Once you set an Event for SBPower to launch (for example swipe right on the status bar) you can trigger the event and the SBPowerAlert will show.

  SBPowerAlert it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.