Solstice – a new theme that changes the look of iOS 7

  Solstice is a topic available from this morning's course in Cydia, and with its help you can completely change the icons of native applications iOS 7, but also many of the third ones. Note that unlike many of the themes released in Cydia, in this we have a part of icons in which a series of shadows are also implemented, all directed to the same right side. More than 90 special icons are implemented in the theme and unfortunately no application interface.

iOS 7 introduced bold new colors, most of which could have been handled much better. Solstice takes iOS 7's colors and shapes and reimagines them, giving each icon a life of its own with some long shadow love. Over 90 apps currently supported, with more being added every day!

  Solstice it is available for free in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.