SwitcherDismiss automatically closes the task switcher in iOS 7

  SwitcherDismiss is a tweak available since last night in Cydia, and with its help we can implement an interesting function for the task switcher from iOS 7SwitcherDismiss was designed with the idea of ​​giving us the possibility to set a function to automatically close the task switcher from iOS 7 after a certain period from its opening, this being normally impossible. Tweak- has a settings menu in the Settings application iOS 7, and through it we can activate it and set the time period that must pass until the task switcher will be automatically closed.

Requires iOS 7. SwitcherDismiss allows you to automatically dismiss the Multitasking Switcher after a delay of whatever you choose. You can enable and disable the Tweak in the Settings Application and set the seconds after which the Switcher should dismiss itself. After the installation a respring is required. You will also have to enable the Tweak in the settings and set the seconds first, before it will work.

  SwitcherDismiss it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.