Facebook Messenger X allows you to modify the interface of Facebook Messenger for iOS

  Facebook Messenger X is a mod released last night in Cydia, and with its help we can modify the application interface Facebook Messenger for iOS in a similar way to the one visible in the image above. The mod modifies the round "bubbles" of the messages with some squares that have round corners, allows changing the colors for the interlocutors, allows the elimination of the "tails" that connect the "bubbles" to the edge of the screen, also modifies the alert sound and that's it.

  • Rounded rectangle masks instead of round ones
  • Blue and green bubbles
  • Blue and green bubbles swapped
  • Blue and green no tails
  • Old facebook messenger 'dring' alert sound
  • Each of above as a separate theme

  Facebook Messenger X it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.