Here's how Samsung convinces US stars to use its products

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  Although many of the American views use at least one product of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), without any representative of the company offering it, those from Samsung they make quite complex efforts to get their products into the hands of these people. In an interview given to an American publication, a person specialized in persuading celebrities to use the terminals Samsung explain the whole thing the complex procedure behind this system, which finally brings Korean products into the hands of extremely famous people.

  Practically those from Samsung organizes parties where his representatives and stars from the US work together to convince others to use the free terminals offered by the company. By customizing our devices to our liking, transferring all the information from one terminal to another without hassles and providing detailed explanations about all the functions of the terminal, the people from Samsung manage to convince important stars that these devices should be used instead of a iPhoneFor example.

  The most important aspect of the whole process involves presenting the product in such a way that the star can use it for pleasure and have the sole initiative to promote it. Even if any of the stars can easily purchase these devices, offering them for free in combination with the power of persuasion of friends and the help of Samsung, results in placing some not very popular products in the hands of people who can make them popular.