Basico – a new elegant theme for iOS 7

  Basic is a theme available since last night in Cydia, and she was specially thought to modify iOS 7 in order to improve the appearance of the Springboard of our terminals. Just like others that appeared before it, the theme completely changes the icons of the native applications available in our terminals, but separately from them there are also several dozen themed icons for third-party applications installed from App Store, unfortunately, without any interface of native or third-party applications being modified.

Ba sico was built from the ground up, working on each icon to make the best looking theme possible. Each icon was hand crafted, to resemble each application, yet make it appear simpler and nicer to the eye. BaÌ sico has already supported all stock icons and has over 20+ supported 3rd party icons, with more to come!

  Basic it is available for free in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.