Here are 10 of the most dangerous things we do using our smartphones

  Probably many of you know that the use of any electronic device involves various tricks, whether it is about something that affects us directly, or whether it is about something that affects us indirectly. To detail the dangers we expose ourselves to while using smartphones, the folks at ProtectYourBubble they conceived the infographic below detailing 10 of the most dangerous things we can do using our smartphones.

  1. Use of a mobile terminal without prole.
  2. Using automatic login functions in bank applications, or in other applications that have access to our financial data or bank accounts.
  3. Recording and storage of own nude photos in terminals.
  4. Clicking on links that direct us to websites that contain malware.
  5. Publishing pictures from vacations.
  6. Publishing pictures of our location.
  7. Providing personal information to people who steal the identity of employees of financial institutions.
  8. Using a smartphone without a protective case.
  9. Connecting to unknown and unsecured WiFi networks.
  10. Avoiding the purchase of insurance for the mobile terminal.