iPhones are becoming a currency in the new modern world

  iPhone- have become extremely popular in recent years, their sales having a sustained growth rate and this in the conditions in which the global economy went through a strong recession. Despite this, the price of iPhones remained unchanged Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), made more and more money from them, but the devices of the American company seem now to enter a new stage of their existence.

  A interesting article published in BusinessWeek, an Italian publisher tells about how he turned the iPhone into a true currency of the modern world. It all started with a visit he made to the USA, a visit that one of the people who performed various jobs for the man found out about, she asked for a iPhone 5S an exchange of work done over time. Arriving in the USA, the man purchased not one but two terminals, both of which were offered as payment for various services. The interesting part is that the second person who received the terminal sold it to a third at a price $300 higher, this selling it on with an addition of another $200.

  More than that, he recalls the story of the CEO of iFixIt, the famous company that disassembles Apple products on the very day of launch, having an interesting experience in Mexico. There the owner of some pleasure boats offered to take them for free on the sea if the CEO of iFixit promises to bring them to Mexico terminals iPhone 5S at the prices sold in the USA, the addition for Mexicans being 16%.

  Practically, iPhones become for many a method of making money or of replacing payments in money with a payment in goods. The man's story is certainly not unique and among the thousands of grandparents who wait in line in front of Apple stores every year, there are certainly many who pay for various services with Apple products and they are certainly not the only ones. Of course, this theory of payment in goods is applied in many other fields, but now we see that iPhones also enter this "game".