Here is the first flip phone and the first MacBook with a touch screen designed by Apple

  Even if Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), has never released a flip phone like the one above, and even though I haven't had one yet MacBook equipped with a touch screen, in the 80s the company thought of these products. A well-known New York Times journalist published the images above, and in them we see designs made by Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for products that never reached the market. It is hard to say whether their prototypes were developed or not, but it is clear that Apple had an idea about how the world will look in the future and was prepared to bring such products to the market.

  Fortunately, Apple entered the mobile phone market just when it had to and revolutionized it, and about the MacBook with touchscreen we can only say that in theory it looks like a great product, but in reality no one has found a method through to make it useful.


  1. Salut zaone!Nu ai putea, te rog frumos, sa scrii un articol despre iCloud si Activation Lock in care sa explici clar circumstantele in care se poate bloca un iPhone cu cont de iCloud.Am intalnit persoane care si-au blocat telefonul printr-un simplu update sau printr-un restore si le-au cerut primul cont de iCloud, nu cel actual.As vrea sa imi explici putin cum se poate sa-ti ceara primul cont de iCloud si cum se poate sa ti-l ceara dupa update/restore.Nu mai inteleg nimic.O seara placuta!

  2. Daca acel cont pe care il cere a fost “scos” cu ajutorul bug-ului de iOS ( a scris si Zaone un articol ), de aceea le cere acel cont si nu ultimul avut.