Here is the average selling price of a Mac and how the iPad tablet affects the profit of PC manufacturers

  iPad generated a new revolution on the blackboard market, sales of this type of mobile terminals growing exponentially in recent years, and PCs were the victim of their growth. You can see in the image above that starting with the first fiscal quarter of 2012 PC sales started to register significant decreases, this trend continuing until today. Practically, in recent years, sales of PCs have decreased by up to 20% compared to previous years, and the average price of such a product has decreased as a result, the iPad tablet being considered, by some, as the main culprit.

  Despite this downturn in the PC market, the company's Macs Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), have registered a stable path with significant increases every year, but more importantly for Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, the average selling price was the same. In fact, a Mac has an average selling price of $1300, higher than in the case of PCs with Windows, and for Apple things are as good as possible. If in the case of PCs the relatively affordable price of the iPad has seriously reduced the average price of computers with Windows, in the case of Macs the same thing does not seem to have happened.