Apple and an angry designer after a month spent as an employee of the company

  Jordan Price is a designer who one day was lucky enough to work for the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), in a position of developer of graphic elements for mobile platforms. The man was ecstatic to be employed by the company he had dreamed of working for for years hoped that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), it will be the company where he will spend most of his career. Despite the numerous congratulations and encouragement, the man would go through an apparently very bad experience, but far from unheard of.

I couldn't believe it. I had just totally revamped my portfolio, and I was now actually good enough to be considered as a candidate at Apple. In my eyes, Apple is, hands down, the most highly-regarded company a designer could work for. I had posted the news to Facebook, and I had never gotten so many likes and congratulations on anything before. I got more likes when I announced that I got a job at Apple than when my daughter was born. People that I befriended years ago and never talked to since were sending me messages.

  The man was happy, the world around him was happy, but then he actually started working in the company. From here onwards the problems started for Jordan Price, he was dissatisfied with the schedule that did not allow him to spend much time with his daughter, he had to bear a salary reduction, the procedure of using the internal services of Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), it turned out to be extremely complicated, and the constant meetings affected his ability to carry out his work. Basically, they are problems that any company as big as Apple has and certainly many people have encountered similar "obstacles".

I hardly (hardly means never) saw my daughter during the week because the hours were so inflexible. I had also taken a substantial pay cut, but I figured I was making a long-term career investment by working for such a prestigious company. On boarding was super bumpy, and they had so many passwords, accounts, and logins that it took nearly a month just for me to get on the server. There were meetings all the time which were disruptive to everyone's productivity, but they seemed to be a necessary evil in a company that's so large with such high-quality products.

  Despite the previous problems, the biggest of them was with his immediate superior boss, who had an unhealthy habit of insulting his employees. It didn't take long until Jordan came to the attention of his boss and the constant jokes with insults affected both his ability to solve his daily tasks and his mental mood during working hours. Although his boss falls into the classic patterns of a bad boss, the man didn't report him to anyone mainly because he didn't want to join the circle of people he couldn't stand, and secondarily because he wasn't directly employed by the Apple company.

Then my immediate boss (known at Apple as a producer), who had a habit of making personal insults shrouded as jokes to anyone below him, started making direct and indirect insults to me. He started reminding me that my contract wouldn't be renewed if I did or didn't do certain things. He was democratic about his patronizing and rude comments, but it didn't make me feel any better when he directed them towards my team members. I felt more like I was a teenager working at a crappy retail job than a professional working at one of the greatest tech companies in the world.

  Despite his attempts to look at the good sides of a job at Apple and despite extremely talented and friendly colleagues, the man finally made the decision to resign from the company. Despite the various small problems he encountered within Apple, his immediate superior boss was the "drop" that filled the cup and motivated him to delete all the contents of the tablet received from Apple, arrange his files in the server dedicated to his team and he leaves behind a letter in which he explains to his boss exactly how capable he is for that position.

Then at lunch time I wiped the iPad data clean, put the files I had been working on neatly on the server, left all their belongings on my desk, and I got in my car and drove home. I left a message for my boss and told him he's the worst boss I had ever encountered in my entire professional career and that I could no longer work under him no matter how good Apple might look on my resume.

  In the end, the man was not satisfied with the way he was treated at Apple, but the same thing happened at the other companies where he worked, similar statements being made even after leaving them. However, it was very hard to believe that Apple is a perfect company and that there are no problems within it, but the man probably should have tried to contact a superior of his boss before resigning.