Google is trying to combat the fragmentation of Android with a new restriction imposed on manufacturers of mobile terminals

  Fragmentation is the platform's biggest problem Android and the company for years Google he is trying to solve it, but only now he seems to make a very radical decision in this regard. Conformable a memory sent by the company Google to at least one of its partners, all future terminals Android the latest version of the operating system must be running, otherwise the services Google implemented in the operating system will no longer be able to be used by those who purchase the terminals.

"Starting February 2014, Google will no longer approve GMS distribution on new Android products that ship older platform releases. Each platform release will have a "GMS approval window" that typically closes nine months after the next Android platform release is publicly available. (In other words, we all have nine months to get new products on the latest platform after its public release.) The policy could only mean good things, especially for the smartphone user."-Leaked memo from Google to handset manufacturers.

  Those from Google impose this measure to force the implementation of the latest version of Android even in smartphones with medium to weak hardware, Android 4.4 can be run even on devices that have only 512 MB of RAM. Even if in the short term the new measure from Google will not have an important effect on the reduction of fragmentation, in the long term the problem could be solved if Google firmly imposes its ban.