An iPhone spends 82 days in water, survives to "tell" its story (Video)

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  iPhones are not designed to work after contact, however minor, with water, but thanks to a special protective cover, a iPhone was recovered after 82 days at sea. Dave McGregor is a kayak-canoe enthusiast and during one of his walks on one of the shores of Australia, he was left without his iPhone attached to the small boat to film his walk. Protected by a cover that protects it from contact with water, the terminal iPhone 4 it was brought to the beach of that shore after 82 days spent at sea, the device working without problems.

The guy who found it washing in the surf charged it up, turned it on, and called my dad. I was stoked! There's cool footage of the phone falling to the ocean floor, and then mostly blackness after it was buried in the sand not long after falling overboard.

  The terminal was discovered by a person who in the past returned all kinds of objects brought to the shore by the water, in the case of the iPhone, he called the owner's father. Although it fell under water, the device recorded everything that happened until it ran out of battery, no less than 2 hours of underwater video content being available in it. The iPhone adventure is an interesting one, but I must recommend you to protect iPhones from water under any circumstances, because as soon as it enters through the open ports, the device risks becoming unusable.