Steve Jobs hated the mouse with buttons, he accidentally changed the way we look at these products

  Steve Jobs he hated complicated products, he was not a fan of mice that are complicated and have a lot of buttons, so at the beginning of the year 2000 he accidentally chose a new type of mouse, completely different from what exists on the market. A former engineer employed in the company's industrial design team Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, he tells us episode in which Steve Jobs chose that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), to stop producing a mouse with many buttons. As part of the team that had to replace the original iMac's mouse, the designer recounts the day his team presented his first prototypes Steve Jobs, among them there was also an unfinished one that did not have any buttons.

It all started with a model we didn't have time to finish. We had made six of these great form models to show Steve. At the last minute, the design team had decided to create a model that would echo the look of the Topolino mouse which shipped prior to the hockey puck. The only problem was, the model wasn't finished. They didn't have time to draw buttons on the model to indicate where they would go. Steve looked at the lineup of potential forms and made straight for the unfinished one. "That's genius," he said. "We don't want to have any buttons."

  Entering the room where all the prototypes were presented, Steve Jobs immediately drew his attention to the unfinished mouse, but which had no buttons, saying that the idea behind it was brilliant. The problem was that the designers of that prototype failed to draw the buttons that were to be implemented, and so the engineering team had to produce a completely new, very simple mouse. Faced with this complicated task, the engineers continued to develop a mouse with buttons, until Steve Jobs entered one of their presentations without being invited and stopped the project without further discussion.

  So the engineers focused on developing a mouse without buttons and the Apple Pro mouse from the first image of this article came to life.