geohot earns $150.000 for exploiting a Google product

  Geohot, the well-known hacker who developed the first solution of unlock for iPhone, participated in the competition the other day Pwnium and won the amount of $150.000 for operating the operating system Chrome OS of those in Google. As you can already see from the image above, geohot managed to run unsigned code in the operating system of those from Google si exploited 6 extremely important vulnerabilities of the operating system, forcing Google to give it premium and update its software

Congratulations to geohot for an epic Pwnium competition win. Pinkie Pie provided a fascinating set of vulnerabilities that will be rewarded through the Chrome VRP program. Moreover, one of the bugs exploited by VUPEN on Pwn2Own affected Chrome OS. We're delighted at the success of Pwnium and the ability to study full exploits. We anticipate landing additional changes and hardening measures for these vulnerabilities in the near future. We also believe that both Pwnium submissions are works of art and deserve wider sharing and recognition. We plan to do technical reports on these submissions in the future.

  Just a few months before, geohot was preparing to launch a solution of jailbreak for iOS 7, but the team's hackers Evad3rs they were faster and managed to collect donations from users happy that they can exploit their terminals. geohot is one of the most controversial hackers who is still active at the moment, he is involved in a process with Sony for the release of Playstations, but also in various startups, one even financed by Lady Gaga.