ColorDream i5 rethinks the iOS 7 Springboard interface

  ColorDream i5 is a new theme designed for the platform dreamboard to make available in Cydia, and with its help we can completely change the appearance of the Springboard of the operating system iOS 7. As you can already see from the image above, the theme is intended to completely replace Springboard's layout system iOS 7 with a series of tabs that actually represent folders with applications, accessing each of them showing the applications in that folder.

ColorDream i5 for iOS7. A completely new interface for your iPhone 5/5C/5S! Activate with DreamBoard. Possibility to configure the theme: – Folder apps;- Shortcut / Notifications;- Weather / Clock / Wallpaper;- etc...

  Separate from the Springboard interface, the theme modifies the Notifications Center and has several different wallpapers available for us, so in the end we have a complete change for the interface iOS 7ColorDream i5 is available in the repo ModMyi al Cydia.