Google offers us the possibility to play multiplayer games between terminals running iOS and Android

  Company Google prepares the release of a new version a Google Play Game Services for developers of applications dedicated to the platform Android, giving them the possibility to interconnect iDevices and terminals Android for multiplayer games. Practically all the games that will have this framework implemented will allow the owners of terminals running on both platforms to challenge themselves to participate in multiplayer game sessions on their own devices.

To further help with cross platform game development, we're updating our Play Games Unity Plugin to support cross-platform multiplayer services, and introducing an early Play Games C++ SDK to support achievements and leaderboards... In addition, we're launching enhanced Play Games statistics on the Google Play Developer Console, providing easy game analytics for Play Games adopters. Developers will gain a daily dashboard that visualizes player and engagement statistics for signed in users, including daily active users, retention analysis and achievement, and leaderboard performance.

  Support provided by Google now it will give developers the opportunity to make their games much more attractive than in the past and of course this will generate more money for everyone. Google is the first company to offer a framework of this kind for application developers for the iOS and Android platforms, but its success will depend on the number of developers who will have the courage to use it, the basic idea being extremely attractive.