#PlayMe displays in the status bar information about any multimedia content played in iOS 7

  #PlayMe is a tweak released last night in Cydia, and through it we can display in the status bar information about any multimedia content played in iOS 7, regardless of the application that runs it. As you can already see from the image above, the functionality of the tweak is as simple as possible, so after its installation the tweak will take information about songs directly from any supported applications and display them in the status bar, all without for us to intervene in any way on them.

PlayMe is a simple tweak that displays the title of the song you listen to its author. After installation, just start music (*) and Enjoy!

  #PlayMe it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia and is compatible with a multitude of applications that can run multimedia content in iOS 7, be it online.