MagicBadges allows the modification of application badges in iOS 7

  magic badges is a tweak launched last evening in Cydia, and through it we can more efficiently manage the badges displayed for the applications of our iDevices. More precisely, MagicBadges gives us the possibility to change the position of the application badges, their size, their color, and if we want we can even display a different image. Everything is possible through a settings menu of the tweak, and by copying some files in 50×50 pixel format in /Library/Application Support/MagicBadges.

Requires iOS7+. Not compatible with iPad (soon it will be). MagicBadges makes it easy to change the badges' position, size and color, use pictures (keeping their orginal color scheme) you like to replace default badge if you're bored with it, in the same way Zeppelin to Carrier Logos, or Alkaline to Battery Icons. Put badge themes (png format, 50×50 around) into /Library/Application Support/MagicBadges.

  magic badges it is available for free in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.