R-SIM Mini 2 Decoding iOS 7.1 for iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5

  R-SIM Mini 2or R-SIM Extreme, is a the new decoding card which does unlock pe iOS 7.1 for iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. As you already know very well, iOS 7.1 blocks a good part of decoding cards who were doing unlock until then for all iPhones, but now the problem is solved. This new one the card unlocks iOS 7.1 without problems and old versions of iOS 7, theoretically future versions can be decoded just as easily without problems.

  R-SIM Mini 2 it is much thinner than previous versions of this type of decoding card, and its developers claim that it can be used even with old sim trays. The problem with R-SIM Mini 2 is that no operator from Romania is listed as possible decoded using this new decoding card, but there are very good chances that it will work, considering that all operators in our country can be decoded in other European countries without problems.

  R-SIM Mini 2 can be purchased available here.