Here's how you can access the Touch ID menu of IOS 7.1 from the first page of the Settings application of iOS 7

  In iOS 7.1 the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), implemented a multitude of changes for its operating system, and for touch ID I mean the relocation of the menu through which we can administer the system. In the Settings application a iOS 7.1 menu touch ID can be accessed right from the first page of options, and if you have jailbreak you can implement exactly the same thing in any version of iOS 7.0.x. To follow this procedure, you will need to have the application installed iFile in your iDevices, providing the simplest method to do so.

  1. Open the iFile application and navigate to /Applications/, then copy the files settings.plist and iconCache@2x.artwork in your computers.
  2. Download this modified version of the files and copies instead of those existing in your terminals.
  3. Respring the terminal and the changes should be implemented.

  I have not tested the procedure, but theoretically it should work without problems. Otherwise, copy back the files already saved and everything should be back to normal.

Thanks to M.