Google Glass generates vision problems for users

  Google Glass, the famous pair of glasses developed by Google, is now the focus of users' attention, some of them having vision problems due to the use of glasses. It seems that the unusual positioning of the screen generates headaches and eye pain after a few hours of use, people who use the product for the first time being the most seriously affected.

The only people who look up a lot are some professionals like electricians and painters. Most of us look either straight or down. It's well known that up is less comfortable. It's not a headache, it's sort of a discomfort in the eye muscles. To describe it as a headache is inconsistent with how people experience headaches.

  It seems like the unusual way to look at the information displayed on the screen Google Glass generates all these problems, a well-known Harvard professor hired by Google analyzing it at the moment. He says normal users are not used to looking up for long periods of time, and the use of Google Glass forces this way of looking at information, users feeling discomfort in the area of ​​the eyeballs.

  The only recommendation of the doctor employed by Google is the use of glasses for shorter periods of time for beginners, the eyes getting used to the new way of looking at information after a period of time. Now the only thing that Google needs to do is to include a warning in the Google Glass box to avoid future problems of this kind.