Jony Ive confirms the use of new materials and shapes for future Apple products

  Jony Ive is the senior vice president of the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), who leads the design and development divisions of the user interface for the iOS operating system. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Jony Ive talked about his relationship with Tim Cook, claiming that they meet, on average, three times a week in various locations on campus Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), and discuss the products of the American company.

We meet on average three times a week. Sometimes those meetings are over in his space, sometimes here in the design studio. We all see the same physical object. Something happens between what we objectively see and what we perceive it to be.

  Following the same idea, Ive stated that he determines to a certain extent how the user interface of iOS looks, but he also confirmed that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), works with new materials that have not been used in any past product. Of course, Ive did not provide additional details, but he confirmed that he has been working on several products for several years and they are ready to be launched on the market with the help of these new materials.

I would love to talk about future stuff – they're materials we haven't worked in before. I've been working on this stuff for a few years now. Tim is fundamentally involved in pushing into these new areas and into these materials. It is hard for us all to be patient. It was hard for Steve. It is hard for Tim. At any point in time, working on something, it's always hard to just keep focusing on the product. One of the things different between us and some of our competitors is that we just focus on the product, developing good products.

  Keeping his tone, Ive states that neither Tim Cook nor Steve Jobs they didn't have the patience to wait for the development process for new and important products to be completed, but the difference between Apple and other companies is that all the focus is on developing great products and not on their immediate release. In this idea, we can speculate that Jony Ive is talking about iPhone 6 si iWatch, both terminals to include sapphire glass protective panels for the screens, a material not used by Apple until now.