Kirkos aims to change the look of Springboard iOS 7

  Kirkos is a new theme available since last evening in Cydia and as you can already see from the image above, its role is to provide us with a completely modified Springboard for our iDevices. With over 100 icons available for our applications, Kirkos has also implemented support for a multitude of tweaks and widgets specially designed to modify iOS.

Kirkos rounds these corners even more, creating a look that will make your iPhone screen stand out for years to come. Supports for 100+ applications. Also includes alert badge design and icon overlay for non-themed icons to make every icon fit with the Kirkos looks. Settings icons themed as well as AppStore, Spotlight, Multitasking, and Notification Center.

  From badges to icons, Kirkos modifies a multitude of elements of the operating system, less the interface of the native applications of the operating system. Kirkos it is available for free in the repo ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia.