Modern Combat 5: Blackout - here are the impressive graphic elements it will include

  Modern Combat 5: Blackout is a new first person shooter to be released by the company Gameloft in App Store for iPhone si iPad, the French preparing some interesting surprises for him. In the image above you have presented an effect called screen space ambient occlusion(SSAO), adding a "depth" effect for all the objects present in the virtual world of Modern Combat.

  A very small number of games for mobile terminals use this technology, because it requires a lot of processing power, but those from Gameloft managed to implement it as well as possible in the new title. Unfortunately, we don't have a gameplay trailer to be able to see how everything looks during an action taken by the users, but based on these images, it seems that we will have a very interesting experience.

  Modern Combat 5: Blackout  is to be launched in the next period in App Store.