Sharp is negotiating with Apple the "recovery" of a factory where screens for iDevices are produced

Sharp logo -

  Sharp is one of the manufacturers of screens for the company's iDevices Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, last year those from Cupertino buying part of the equipment used in one of the factories from Sharp. The entire respective factory produces screens exclusively for the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, but those from Sharp try to escape of dependence related to those from Cupertino and negotiates taking control over the entire factory.

  Sharp is willing to pay up to 293 million dollars to regain full control of the factory where Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), bought equipment, and those from Cupertino would be willing to accept, but with one condition. That condition is that Sharp does not produce screens for those from Samsung, who own part of the company, the rest of the competitors being able to contract Sharp without problems.

  The condition of those from Apple comes as a direct attack on those from Samsung who at the same time provide a multitude of components for iDevices.