VolumeStatus displays the iOS volume level in the status bar

  VolumeStatus is a tweak available from this evening in Cydia for our iDevices, and with its help we can display an indicator of the volume level of our iDevices in the status bar. The idea of ​​placing such an indicator in the status bar of our iDevices is based on the need to visualize the volume level of the terminal speaker without touching the volume buttons and changing it.

VolumeStatus lets you keep up with your volume level, its a quick way to check your volume without the need of revealing the control center or pressing the volume button. Warning: changing the volume in a way other than the volume button will not take an effect on the icon you will need to lock/unlock/launch an app/change the volume using the button to take effect.

  VolumeStatus is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in the repo BigBoss of Cydia.