iOS 7 Activation Lock will be activated automatically when purchasing an iPhone

iOS 7 Activation Lock -

  launching Activation Lock iOS 7 motivated the American authorities to praise the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), for implementing the system for their own iDevices, announcing at the same time that it contributed to a reduction in the number of stolen mobile terminals. Because the system is so useful, the governor of the state of California, USA, signed last evening a law requiring mobile terminal manufacturers to automatically activate similar systems for their own products Activation Lock iOS 7.

  The law will enter into force starting July 1, 2015 and will bind the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), to activate automatically Activation Lock right from the moment one is activated iPhone, this has to be done manually now. The law does not apply to tablets sold in California, but this could change in the next period by adopting a law similar to the one promoted for smartphones.

  Considering that we are talking about the state in which Apple has its headquarters, iOS 9 it will definitely activate Activation Lock automatically when activating the terminals, so thieves will have even more headaches.