iPhone 6 COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED is compared in DETAIL with iPhone 5S (Video)


  Last week, a Russian team presented us first iPhone 6 ON assembled using various components taken directly from Apple's Asian partners. Today, the same team of Russians presents us with a iPhone 6 COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED compared in DETAIL with iPhone 5S to show us what the main differences are in terms of the design of the two devices, but also in terms of the size of each.

iPhone 6 vs iPhone 5S – detailed design comparison

  As you can already see from the pictures and the clip, the two terminals look almost identical if we look at them from the front, Apple managing to keep the "iconic" design of the iPhone almost intact for 7 years. I say "almost" because iPhone 6 the screen is almost glued to the edge of the case and there is less space in between Home button si diffuser, this to facilitate a slight increase in size compared to iPhone 5S.

  When it comes to the case, things change radically, the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), choosing to use o full metal case for iPhone 6, it being divided into three components, separated by thick antennae and not so pleasing to the eye. Basically, Apple seems to be trying to return to the design that made the iPhone popular in 2007 and was used in iPod Touches for so many years, and if those antennas hadn't split the case, probably many would be appreciated what Jony Ive has created.

  That being said, iPhone 6 will be presented in exactly one week, on September 9, at an Apple conference. Don't forget that on September 9 I'm waiting for you on iDevice.ro to discuss everything that the American company will present!