iOS 8 GM – the end of beta testing and the release of the final version

  iOS beta 8 5 was launched earlier this month and as some of you have already guessed, iOS beta 8 6 will never again be published by Apple. Given that Apple announced the September 9 conference to present the iPhone 6 and iWatch since last week, it is as clear as possible that on that day it will offer application developers and iOS 8GM along with all the new features that were introduced at WWDC 2014 and those that will be presented now.

  Beta testing period a iOS 8 and ended iOS 8GM will be practically the final version of the operating system, it being offered to developers from September 9 to be able to prepare their applications for the public launch of iOS 8. I already told you that this release could take place on September 17, 2 days before the launch iPhone 6, but Apple can change the date by 1 or two days, but not more.

  Unfortunately, there are minimal chances that iOS 8GM to be installed through OTA Update by those who already have iOS beta 8 5, or an earlier version in iDevices, but the good part is that for this build Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), will remove installation restrictions. Given that iOS 8GM it's practically the final version of iOS, the build should come without an expiration date, so theoretically you should be able to use it without problems however you want.