Google Maps brings iOS 8 compatibility

  Google Maps, the application launched by Google in App Store to allow access to the online map system of the same name, was updated during this evening for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The new version of Google Maps bring compatibility with iOS 8 just one day before the official launch of the operating system by the Apple company, solving at the same time some operational problems of the previous version of the application.

  • Optimized for iOS 8
  • Bug fixes

  Google Maps for iOS is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in App Store.

Initial price:
Google Maps



Developer: Google, Inc.
Category: Navigation

Description: The Google Maps app for iPhone and iPad makes navigating your world faster and easier. Find the best spots in town and the information you need to get there.

Comprehensive, accurate maps in 220 countries...

The size of the application is: 12.1 Mb