The album U2 – Songs of Innocence was accessed by 33 million Apple ID holders

  At the end of last week, information appeared on the Internet according to which the album the album U2 - Songs of Innocence would have been downloaded only 2 million times from the company's servers Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),. Because we are talking about an album offered free of charge to over 500 million owners of Apple ID-s, the figure was disappointing and shows the disinterest in the album, but last night the senior vice president Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, Eddy Cue, provided some additional details.

Apple Inc. says 33 million iTunes account holders have accessed U2's free album. The company issued a statement Monday from Senior Vice President Eddy Cue with the first usage numbers for the surprise "Songs of Freedom" release by the company. Apple gave the album to 500 million iTunes account holders last week during the company's iPhone 6 unveiling news conference. Cue called the number record-breaking, but did not elaborate.

  According to him Eddy Cue, the band's album U2 has been accessed by 33 million owners of Apple ID-s, but those from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), they did not provide details regarding the ambiguous expression. Even so, it is speculated that the basis of the figure would be the downloads from iTunes Music Store and the hearings made through iTunes Radio and the streaming service of those from Beats, but in the absence of clear explanations, no one will know how successful the people from U2 were after this collaboration.