SwiftKey registered 1 million downloads from the App Store in just one day after the release of iOS 8

  I already told you that third-party keyboards for iOS 8 have become the most popular applications available in App Store after the release of the new version of the operating system. Confirming the fact that iDevice owners have been waiting for this feature for years and years, those from SwiftKey announced as their third-party keyboard app for iOS 8 was downloaded more than 1 million times in just 24 hours after its official launch in App Storethe company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),.

  For now, it is not known how many downloads the application had Fleksy which offers the keyboard of the same name for iOS 8, but considering that she is in the first position in the charts of many App Store-s, probably the figure is similar. Probably not even Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), one would not have expected that these third-party keyboards would be so popular among iDevice owners, but the large number of downloads proves again that iOS still needs many new functions, already available in other platforms.