Programmable SMS allows programming the sending of SMS messages


  Programmable SMS is a new tweak launched last night in Cydia for our iPhones, and with its help we can schedule the sending of SMS whenever and however we want. In the video clip above you can see the tweak in action and notice that it offers options for creating, modifying and deleting automatic SMS sending tasks, which can be completed using the Activator plugin.

Allows you to create, modify and delete Activator actions to send text messages.  Scheduled texts – bind a message to a 'scheduled' event in the activator. Auto reply to 'X' – bind a message to 'received message from X' event to auto reply. 'Joined/left x wifi' – send messages based on the wifi 'location'.

  Using  Programmable SMS we can automatically respond to messages received in terminals, we can receive SMS when our iPhone connects or disconnects from a Wi-Fi network and many, many others. Programmable SMS is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.