SwitchAutofocus helps you control the automatic camera focus system of an iPhone or iPod Touch

  SwitchAutofocus is a tweak available since last night in Cydia for our iDevices, and with its help we can implement a method to manage the autofocus system of a camera iPhone or iPod Touch. In the image above, you can see the tweak's settings menu, with options for disabling automatic focus, for notifying us when the system is active, and finally for hiding the border that tells us where the camera focuses.

Does autofocus annoy you? Sometimes it needs to be disabled, so this tweak is the choice. You are allowed to switch autofocus modes (System default, Just hide the squared crop, and Disable entire autofocus system) by double tapping with 2 fingers on the camera preview view. More info in settings.

  SwitchAutofocus must be used with care because it could leave you with out-of-focus pictures if you disable this system and forget to reactivate it. SwitchAutofocus is available for FREE DOWNLOAD in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.